Chazen Language Program

Summer 2023 Registration

Classes will meet online for the Summer 2023 semester.


  • Classes meet online for 1.5 hours, once a week for 8 sessions.
  • The cost of the course is $315.
  • If we are unable to place you in a class, you will be offered a full refund.

Important Dates

  • Registration begins Monday, May 1.
  • Registration ends Monday, May 15.
  • Classes begin the week of June 5.

Change Requests

  • You may update your preferences up until 5:00pm on Monday, May 15.
  • Full Refund: Withdrawal on or before Monday, May 15.
  • No Refund: Withdrawal after Monday, May 15.

Withdrawal and preference change requests must be emailed to

    Step 1: Your Information

    INSTRUCTIONS: Welcome! Please take 5-10 minutes of your time to complete the enrollment process. You must complete the entire form in order to successfully enroll in the Chazen Language Program.

    Step 2: Language Choice & Level Description

    This step allows you to tell us which language you would like to study, and your background in the language.

    Language Level: It is important that you answer the following questions as accurately and honestly as possible in order to enable us to place you in the appropriate class.

    Please choose the sentence that most closely describes your speaking abilities:*

    Please describe your background in the language you wish to study. For example: What type of formal study (high school, college, outside school/institute)? How long did you study? Have you ever lived in a country where the language is spoken? Did you grow up in a household where the language was spoken? Please give details and any additional information that you think would help us understand your level.

    FOR INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES & ARABIC ONLY: What tenses have you learned and which can you speak in comfortably with about 75% accuracy?

    For languages NOT written in the Roman alphabet: Are you able to write in the language? Do your writing skills match your speaking skills? Please describe.

    If your first language choice is not available and you are still interested in taking a language, please tell us your second choice:

    Step 3: Your Class Schedule Availability

    Please indicate your schedule preferences below. You may select up to five time slots that fit your availability. While every attempt will be made to accommodate your first choice, you may be placed in any of the time slots you submit, so please only select times you are sure will work with your schedule. If you need to modify your schedule preferences, please send updates to no later than 5:00pm Monday, May 15. All classes meet in Eastern Time. Please choose at least one option.

    1st Choice

    2nd Choice

    3rd Choice

    4th Choice

    5th Choice
